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Welcome! And thanks for your interest in the LinuxPPC Developers Release. The LinuxPPC Developers Release is based upon Red Hat Linux. Red Hat has not created an official Red Hat Linux for the PowerPC, so we decided to do it ourselves. Now before you get mad at Red Hat for not supporting the PowerPC platform, we would like you to respect their decision. This distribution would not be possible without their commitment to Linux and Open Source. Also many people at Red Hat have been supportive of our effort, much more then they truly had to be.

The LinuxPPC Developers Release 1.0 is based on Red Hat Linux 6.0. As time goes on we will continue to update this distribution to follow the progress of Red Hat Software.

We hope you enjoy using our port of Red Hat Linux as much as we've enjoyed making it for you.

History of Linux for the PowerPC

An Overview of This Manual

Upgrading from a Prior Version of Linux for the PowerPC

A Word From the Developers

Notes from the Editor

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